News: |
324 participants
27 oral presentations 195 poster presentations 41 national institutions 18 international institutions Photo Gallery available here.
Dear Colleagues,
It is a great pleasure to welcome you for the XV Portuguese Society for Neuroscience meeting. The meeting will be held May 25-26 at the Meliã Hotel, Braga - Portugal. We are preparing an exciting meeting, with an excellent scientific program. In order to promote scientific exchange, we are encouraging young researchers to present and discuss their work. It will be a great opportunity for forging new collaborations and to open new horizons for your research. We look forward to meeting you in Braga! On behalf of the organizing committee
João Filipe Oliveira |
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Keynote Speakers
Alcino silvaProfessor of Neurobiology, Psychiatry & Psychology at UCLA. Director of the Integrated Center for Learning and Memory at UCLA and the Founding President of the Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society.
Jonathan KipnisUniversity of Virginia School of Medicine and Director of UVA's Center for Brain Immunology and Glia (BIG).
SESSION Speakers
Bassem Hassan
Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Épinière (ICM) - Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, France |
Liliana Bernardino
Health Sciences Research Center (CICS), University of Beira Interior, Portugal |
Luísa Lopes
IMM, University of Lisbon, Portugal |
Sidarta Ribeiro
Brain Institute, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil |
Tiago Fleming Outeiro
Department of Neurodegeneration and Restorative Research, University Medical Center Goettingen, Germany |
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